The Architecture of Violence // bibliography
Ahmad, H. A. (1955). Algeria’s Struggle for Independence. Pakistan Horizon, 8(1), 284-294.
Alloula, M. (1986). From the Colonial Harem. In: N. Mirzoeff, ed. 2002. The Visual Culture Reader. Second Edition. New York: Routledge, 519-524.
Akcan, E. (2014). Postcolonial Theories in Architecture. In E. G. Haddad and D. Rifkind, eds. 2014. A Critical History of Contemporary Architecture, 1960-2010. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 119-140.
Armes, R. (2005). Postcolonial Images: Studies in North African Film. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Austin, G. (2009). Trauma, cinema and the Algerian War. New Readings, 10, 18-25.
Ayyash, M. M. (2013). The paradox of political violence. European Journal of Social Theory, 16(3), 342-356. doi: 10.1177/1368431013476567.
Baring, E. (2010). Liberalism and the Algerian War: The Case of Jacques Derrida. Critical Inquiry, 36(2), 239-261.
Baines, G. (2001). Representing the Apartheid City: South African Cinema in the 1950s and Jamie Uys’s The Urgent Queue. In: M. Shiel and T. Fitzmaurice, eds. 2001. Cinema and the City. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 185-194.
Berger, J. (1972). Ways of Seeing. Reprinted in 2008. London: Penguin Books.
Bhabha, H. K. (1994). The Location of Culture. Reprinted in 2004. New York: Routledge.
Borden, I. (2013). Drive: Journeys through film, cities and landscapes. London: Reaktion Books Ltd.
Breitbart, E. (2009). The Invisible Prison: Representing Algiers on Film. In: Z. Çelik, J. Clancy-Smith, and F. Terpak, eds. 2009. Walls of Algiers: Narratives of the city through text and image. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 161-176.
Bruno, G. (2002). Atlas of Emotion: Journeys in Art, Architecture and Film. London: Verso.
Çelik, Z. (1992). Le Corbusier, Orientalism, Colonialism. Assemblage, 17, 58-77.
Çelik, Z. (1997). Urban Forms and Colonial Confrontations: Algiers under French rule. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Çelik, Z., Clancy-Smith, J. and Terpak, F. (2009). Introduction. In: Z. Çelik, J. Clancy-Smith, and F. Terpak, eds. 2009. Walls of Algiers: Narratives of the city through text and image. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1-13.
Chanan, M. (2007). Outsiders: The Battle of Algiers and political cinema. Sight & Sound, 17(6), 38-40.
Clancy-Smith, J., (2009). Exoticism, Erasures, and Absence. In: Z. Çelik, J. Clancy-Smith, and F. Terpak, eds. 2009. Walls of Algiers: Narratives of the city through text and image. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 19-61.
Corrigan, T. J. (2007). A Short Guide to Writing About Film. New York: Pearson/ Longman.
Crowdus, G. and Yacef, S. (2004). Terrorism and Torture in The Battle of Algiers: An Interview with Saadi Yacef. Cinéaste, 29(3), 30-37.
Djamila, D. and Minne, A. (2007). Women at war. Translated by Alistair Clarke. Interventions, 9(3), 340-349. doi: 10.1080/13698010701618562.
Eid, H. and Ghazel, K. (2008). Footprints of Fanon in Gillo Pontecorvo’s The Battle of Algiers and Sembene Ousamne’s Xala. English in Africa, 35(2), 151-161.
Elliot Stone, B. (2013). Power, Politics, Racism. In: C. Falzon, T. O’Leary and J. Sawicki, eds. 2013. A Companion To Foucault. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 353-367.
Fanon, F. (1959). A Dying Colonialism. Reprinted in 1965. New York: Grove Press.
Fanon, F. (1961). The Wretched of the Earth. Reprinted in 2001. London: Penguin.
Farquhar, S. and Fitzsimons, P. (2012). Lost in Translation: The Power of Language. In: D. R. Cole and L. J. Graham, eds. 2012. The Power In/Of Language. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 101-111.
Fitzmaurice, T. (2001). Film and Urban Societies in a Global Context. In: M. Shiel and T. Fitzmaurice, eds. 2001. Cinema and the City. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 19-30.
Flynn, T. R. (1998). Sartre on Violence, Foucault on Power – A Diagnostic. Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy, 10(2), 128-151. doi: 10.5195/ JFFP.1998.416.
Getino, O. and Solanas, F. (1969). Toward a Third Cinema. New Expression, 107-132. Available at: https://ufsinfronteradotcom.files.wordpress. com/2011/05/tercer-cine-getino-solonas-19691.pdf [Accessed 29 April 2017].
Ibrahim, A. (2012). Will They Ever Speak with Authority? Race, Post-Coloniality and the Symbolic Violence of Language. In: D. R. Cole and L. J. Graham, eds. 2012. The Power In/Of Language. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 68-84.
Kartal, E. (2013). Defining Italian Neorealism: A Compulsory Movement. CINEJ Cinema Journal, 2(2), 141-148. doi: 10.5195/cinej.2013.73.
Klawans, S. (2004). FILM; Lessons of the Pentagon’s Favorite Training Film. [Online] The New York Times. Last updated: 4 January 2004. Available at: [Accessed 13 November 2016].
Lezra, J. (2010). Three Women, Three Bombs. In: J. Lezra, 2010. Wild Materialism: The Ethic of Terror and the Modern Republic. Fordham: Fordham University, 173-201.
Mitchell, T. (1992). Orientalism and the Exhibitionary Order. In: N. Mirzoeff, ed. 2002. The Visual Culture Reader. Second Edition. New York: Routledge, 495-505.
Mohanty, C. T. (1988). Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses. Feminist Review, 30, 61-88. doi: 10.2307/1395054.
Moore, L. (2007). ‘Darkly as through a veil’: reading representations of Algerian women. Intercultural Education, 18(4), 335-351. doi: 10.1080/14675980701605287.
Mulvey, L. (1972). Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema. In: L. Braudy and M. Cohen, eds. 1999. Film theory and criticism: introductory readings. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 833-844.
Nowell-Smith, G. (2001). Cities: Real and Imagined. In: M. Shiel and T. Fitzmaurice, eds. 2001. Cinema and the City. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 99-108.
Pépé le Moko (1937). [Film] Directed by Julien Duvivier. France: Paris Film.
Petty, S. (2015). ‘We All Invented Our Own Algeria’: Habiba Djahnine’s Letter to My Sister as Memory-Narrative. In: C. Deprez and J. Pernin, eds. 2015. Post-1990 Documentary: Reconfiguring Independence. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 125-137.
Repass, W. (2014). Towards a Revolutionary Space. Cineaction, 92, 12-16.
Rose, G. (2007). Researching Visual Materials: Towards a Critical Visual Methodology. In: G. Rose, 2007. Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to the Interpretation of Visual Materials. Oxford: Sage, 1-27.
Said, E. (1978). Orientalism. Reprinted in 2003. London: Penguin.
Said, E. (2000). The Dictatorship of Truth: An Interview with Gillo Pontecorvo. Cineaste, 25(2), 24-25.
Sartre, J-P. (1964). Colonialism and Neocolonialism. Reprinted in 2006. London: Routledge.
Sharpe, M. (2012). Gender, myth, nationalism: Gillo Pontecorvo’s The Battle of Algiers. [Online] openDemocracy. Last updated: 18 December 2012. Available at: [Accessed 19th April 2016].
Shiel, M. (2001). Cinema and the City in History and Theory. In: M. Shiel and T. Fitzmaurice, eds. 2001. Cinema and the City. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 1-18.
Shiel, M. (2006). Italian Neorealism: Rebuilding the Cinematic City. London: Wallflower Press.
The Battle of Algiers (1966). [Film] Directed by Gillo Pontecorvo. Italy/Algeria: Casbah Films/Argent Films.
Virtue, N. (2014). Poaching within the system: Gillo Pontecorvo’s tactical aesthetics in The Battle of Algiers. Screen, 55(3), 317-337. doi: 10.1093/screen/ hju022.
Wright, G. (1991). The Politics of Design in French Colonial Urbanism. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Zarobell, J. (2003). Jean-Charles Langlois’s Panorama of Algiers (1833) and the Prospective Colonial Landscape. Art History, 26(5), 638-668. doi: 10.1111/j.0141-6790.2003.02605002.x.
Ahmad, H. A. (1955). Algeria’s Struggle for Independence. Pakistan Horizon, 8(1), 284-294.
Alloula, M. (1986). From the Colonial Harem. In: N. Mirzoeff, ed. 2002. The Visual Culture Reader. Second Edition. New York: Routledge, 519-524.
Akcan, E. (2014). Postcolonial Theories in Architecture. In E. G. Haddad and D. Rifkind, eds. 2014. A Critical History of Contemporary Architecture, 1960-2010. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 119-140.
Armes, R. (2005). Postcolonial Images: Studies in North African Film. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Austin, G. (2009). Trauma, cinema and the Algerian War. New Readings, 10, 18-25.
Ayyash, M. M. (2013). The paradox of political violence. European Journal of Social Theory, 16(3), 342-356. doi: 10.1177/1368431013476567.
Baring, E. (2010). Liberalism and the Algerian War: The Case of Jacques Derrida. Critical Inquiry, 36(2), 239-261.
Baines, G. (2001). Representing the Apartheid City: South African Cinema in the 1950s and Jamie Uys’s The Urgent Queue. In: M. Shiel and T. Fitzmaurice, eds. 2001. Cinema and the City. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 185-194.
Berger, J. (1972). Ways of Seeing. Reprinted in 2008. London: Penguin Books.
Bhabha, H. K. (1994). The Location of Culture. Reprinted in 2004. New York: Routledge.
Borden, I. (2013). Drive: Journeys through film, cities and landscapes. London: Reaktion Books Ltd.
Breitbart, E. (2009). The Invisible Prison: Representing Algiers on Film. In: Z. Çelik, J. Clancy-Smith, and F. Terpak, eds. 2009. Walls of Algiers: Narratives of the city through text and image. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 161-176.
Bruno, G. (2002). Atlas of Emotion: Journeys in Art, Architecture and Film. London: Verso.
Çelik, Z. (1992). Le Corbusier, Orientalism, Colonialism. Assemblage, 17, 58-77.
Çelik, Z. (1997). Urban Forms and Colonial Confrontations: Algiers under French rule. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Çelik, Z., Clancy-Smith, J. and Terpak, F. (2009). Introduction. In: Z. Çelik, J. Clancy-Smith, and F. Terpak, eds. 2009. Walls of Algiers: Narratives of the city through text and image. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1-13.
Chanan, M. (2007). Outsiders: The Battle of Algiers and political cinema. Sight & Sound, 17(6), 38-40.
Clancy-Smith, J., (2009). Exoticism, Erasures, and Absence. In: Z. Çelik, J. Clancy-Smith, and F. Terpak, eds. 2009. Walls of Algiers: Narratives of the city through text and image. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 19-61.
Corrigan, T. J. (2007). A Short Guide to Writing About Film. New York: Pearson/ Longman.
Crowdus, G. and Yacef, S. (2004). Terrorism and Torture in The Battle of Algiers: An Interview with Saadi Yacef. Cinéaste, 29(3), 30-37.
Djamila, D. and Minne, A. (2007). Women at war. Translated by Alistair Clarke. Interventions, 9(3), 340-349. doi: 10.1080/13698010701618562.
Eid, H. and Ghazel, K. (2008). Footprints of Fanon in Gillo Pontecorvo’s The Battle of Algiers and Sembene Ousamne’s Xala. English in Africa, 35(2), 151-161.
Elliot Stone, B. (2013). Power, Politics, Racism. In: C. Falzon, T. O’Leary and J. Sawicki, eds. 2013. A Companion To Foucault. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 353-367.
Fanon, F. (1959). A Dying Colonialism. Reprinted in 1965. New York: Grove Press.
Fanon, F. (1961). The Wretched of the Earth. Reprinted in 2001. London: Penguin.
Farquhar, S. and Fitzsimons, P. (2012). Lost in Translation: The Power of Language. In: D. R. Cole and L. J. Graham, eds. 2012. The Power In/Of Language. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 101-111.
Fitzmaurice, T. (2001). Film and Urban Societies in a Global Context. In: M. Shiel and T. Fitzmaurice, eds. 2001. Cinema and the City. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 19-30.
Flynn, T. R. (1998). Sartre on Violence, Foucault on Power – A Diagnostic. Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy, 10(2), 128-151. doi: 10.5195/ JFFP.1998.416.
Getino, O. and Solanas, F. (1969). Toward a Third Cinema. New Expression, 107-132. Available at: https://ufsinfronteradotcom.files.wordpress. com/2011/05/tercer-cine-getino-solonas-19691.pdf [Accessed 29 April 2017].
Ibrahim, A. (2012). Will They Ever Speak with Authority? Race, Post-Coloniality and the Symbolic Violence of Language. In: D. R. Cole and L. J. Graham, eds. 2012. The Power In/Of Language. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 68-84.
Kartal, E. (2013). Defining Italian Neorealism: A Compulsory Movement. CINEJ Cinema Journal, 2(2), 141-148. doi: 10.5195/cinej.2013.73.
Klawans, S. (2004). FILM; Lessons of the Pentagon’s Favorite Training Film. [Online] The New York Times. Last updated: 4 January 2004. Available at: [Accessed 13 November 2016].
Lezra, J. (2010). Three Women, Three Bombs. In: J. Lezra, 2010. Wild Materialism: The Ethic of Terror and the Modern Republic. Fordham: Fordham University, 173-201.
Mitchell, T. (1992). Orientalism and the Exhibitionary Order. In: N. Mirzoeff, ed. 2002. The Visual Culture Reader. Second Edition. New York: Routledge, 495-505.
Mohanty, C. T. (1988). Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses. Feminist Review, 30, 61-88. doi: 10.2307/1395054.
Moore, L. (2007). ‘Darkly as through a veil’: reading representations of Algerian women. Intercultural Education, 18(4), 335-351. doi: 10.1080/14675980701605287.
Mulvey, L. (1972). Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema. In: L. Braudy and M. Cohen, eds. 1999. Film theory and criticism: introductory readings. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 833-844.
Nowell-Smith, G. (2001). Cities: Real and Imagined. In: M. Shiel and T. Fitzmaurice, eds. 2001. Cinema and the City. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 99-108.
Pépé le Moko (1937). [Film] Directed by Julien Duvivier. France: Paris Film.
Petty, S. (2015). ‘We All Invented Our Own Algeria’: Habiba Djahnine’s Letter to My Sister as Memory-Narrative. In: C. Deprez and J. Pernin, eds. 2015. Post-1990 Documentary: Reconfiguring Independence. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 125-137.
Repass, W. (2014). Towards a Revolutionary Space. Cineaction, 92, 12-16.
Rose, G. (2007). Researching Visual Materials: Towards a Critical Visual Methodology. In: G. Rose, 2007. Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to the Interpretation of Visual Materials. Oxford: Sage, 1-27.
Said, E. (1978). Orientalism. Reprinted in 2003. London: Penguin.
Said, E. (2000). The Dictatorship of Truth: An Interview with Gillo Pontecorvo. Cineaste, 25(2), 24-25.
Sartre, J-P. (1964). Colonialism and Neocolonialism. Reprinted in 2006. London: Routledge.
Sharpe, M. (2012). Gender, myth, nationalism: Gillo Pontecorvo’s The Battle of Algiers. [Online] openDemocracy. Last updated: 18 December 2012. Available at: [Accessed 19th April 2016].
Shiel, M. (2001). Cinema and the City in History and Theory. In: M. Shiel and T. Fitzmaurice, eds. 2001. Cinema and the City. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 1-18.
Shiel, M. (2006). Italian Neorealism: Rebuilding the Cinematic City. London: Wallflower Press.
The Battle of Algiers (1966). [Film] Directed by Gillo Pontecorvo. Italy/Algeria: Casbah Films/Argent Films.
Virtue, N. (2014). Poaching within the system: Gillo Pontecorvo’s tactical aesthetics in The Battle of Algiers. Screen, 55(3), 317-337. doi: 10.1093/screen/ hju022.
Wright, G. (1991). The Politics of Design in French Colonial Urbanism. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Zarobell, J. (2003). Jean-Charles Langlois’s Panorama of Algiers (1833) and the Prospective Colonial Landscape. Art History, 26(5), 638-668. doi: 10.1111/j.0141-6790.2003.02605002.x.

( film stills from The Battle of Algiers, 1966 )